Each listing includes the number of pages of each interview. The note "VIDEO" indicates that one session of that interview is also available on videotape for viewing at the National Press Club Library in Washington, DC, Columbia University Oral History Research Office in New York City, and at California State University at Sacramento. If an interview is marked "CLOSED," it is has been sealed by the interviewee and is unavailable until the specified date.
Edith Evans Asbury. (1910 - ) Ms. Asbury's 52-year career in journalism began in 1929 and included stints on the Cincinnati Times Star, the Knoxville News Sentinel, the New York Post, Colliers, and the New York World Telegram and Sun, before she joined the New York Times. A 29-year veteran of the Times, she covered Soviet Communist party leader Nikita Khrushchev's 1959 tour of the United States, adoption and birth control issues in New York, the civil rights movement in the South in the mid-sixties, the Black Panther trial in 1970-71, and New York politics. [204 pages; CLOSED until October 15, 2005; VIDEO] Not available on-line.
Tad Bartimus. (1947 - ) Ms. Bartimus began her Associated Press career in Topeka, Kansas, but soon moved to the Miami, Florida bureau. In 1973, the AP sent Bartimus as a correspondent to Saigon to cover Cambodia and Vietnam. She was one of only three AP women ever assigned there. In July 1974 Bartimus relocated to Anchorage, Alaska, and soon thereafter made history again when she became the first woman AP bureau chief. Bartimus moved on to London and then to South America where she and her husband covered the lives of ordinary citizens. While in Estes Park, Colorado, as an AP regional reporter, she organized the Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS). At the time of her interviews, she had returned to Anchorage to teach at the University of Alaska. [148 pages]
Katherine Beebe Harris. (1901 - 1996) Ms. Beebe worked for the Associated Press in San Francisco in the 1930s, staying on until she was forced to retire at fifty-five. Because the AP bureau chief and the other men in the bureau were uncomfortable with her in the office, she was sent on outside assignments which gave her some of the best stories, including the Lindbergh kidnapping of 1931, Harry Bridges and the 1949 harbor strikes, and the Tokyo Rose trial 1947-49. [155 pages; VIDEO]
Lucile Bluford. (1911 - ) Ms. Bluford began her newspaper career in the early 1930s at the Kansas City Call. Fifty years after she was turned away from the University of Missouri's graduate school of journalism because she was black, they awarded her an honorary doctorate of humanities. The award recognized her exceptional political writing which has also won her the reputation of being the "conscience of Kansas City." At the time of her interviews, Bluford was editor and publisher of the Kansas City Call. [194 pages; VIDEO]
Christy Bulkeley. (1942 - ) Ms. Bulkeley has been president of Women in Communications, Inc. (1975), a publisher and president of the Saratogian in Saratoga Springs, NY, an editorial page editor of the Times-Union, Rochester, NY, and an editor, publisher and president of the Commercial Times in Danville, IL. In 1981 Bulkeley was named a vice-president of Gannett Central Newspaper Group and had a major influence within Gannett for hiring women and minorities. Her papers, including diaries, have been promised to the National Women and Media Collection at the University of Missouri. At the time of her interviews, Bulkeley was studying at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. [260 pages; VIDEO]
Mary Lou Butcher. (1943 - ) In 1976, Ms. Butcher brought a successful suit against the Detroit News where she had found advancement as a reporter/editor blocked many times since she joined the staff in 1965. In 1977 Butcher left the paper. She donated half of her settlement to the University of Michigan to establish a scholarship fund for future journalists. At the time of her interviews, Butcher was executive vice president of Casey Communications Management and a lecturer in the Department of Communications at the University of Michigan. [155 pages; VIDEO]
Beth Campbell Short. (1909 - 1988) A journalist from 1929 to 1952, Ms. Campbell started her career on newspapers in Oklahoma and Missouri. A decade later, she arrived in Washington as a reporter in the Associated Press bureau where, at one point, she was the lone woman among eighty-eight men. Ms. Campbell also worked as correspondence secretary for Harry Truman and had a long career as a congressional press secretary. [83 pages; VIDEO]
Elsie Carper. (1919 - ) Veteran reporter and personnel director for the Washington Post, Ms. Carper was one of the editors assigned to establish the "Style" section of the paper in 1969. Through the years, Carper covered civil rights movements and was responsible for the hiring of women and minorities in reporting and editing positions. Carper was also influential alongside
Frances Lewine in working to integrate the National Press Club. [incomplete; VIDEO] Not available on-line.
Betty Carter. (1910 - ) Ms. Carter and her husband, Hodding Carter, Sr., started a small tabloid in Hammond, LA, in 1932 and soon established themselves as outspoken foes of Huey Long. Following Long's assassination in 1935, the Carters moved to a paper in Greenville, MS. Working with her husband, Carter has had a rich career in small-town journalism, raising an ardent voice for civil rights, education and political reform. [107 pages; VIDEO]
Vivian Castleberry. (1922 - ) Ms. Castleberry was the women's page editor of the Dallas Times-Herald for twenty-eight years beginning in 1956. She broke new ground with exposés of a county foster home and stories about battered women, child abuse, and incest at a time when most newspapers ignored such issues. She was the first woman named to the Times-Herald editorial board. Castleberry has won numerous awards, including two state (Texas) UPI awards and two J.C. Penney/University of Missouri awards. [178 pages; VIDEO]
Sylvia Chase. (1938 - ) Ms. Chase joined CBS News in 1971 as "Walter Cronkite's first female 'hired gun.'" Soon thereafter, she chaired the women's group which took its grievances about inequality to CBS management and was the first host of the network's daytime news program, "MAGAZINE." Chase switched to ABC News in 1977 to anchor the weekend news and to be a part of the original team at "20/20." In 1985 she left network television to anchor the news at KRON in San Francisco, returning to ABC News in 1990 as a correspondent at "Primetime Live," the position she held at the time of her interviews. [199 pages] Not available on-line.
Connie Chung. (1946 - ) Ms. Chung started as a television news reporter on WTTG-TV in Washington in 1969, joined CBS in 1971, and in 1976 became the news anchor at the CBS station WNXT-TV in Los Angeles. After a stint with NBC, she returned to CBS. She has been honored by the AAUW, the National Association of Media Women, and the Chinese-American Citizens Alliance. At the time of her interviews, Chung was based in New York City as co-anchor of the "CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and Connie Chung" and anchor of the CBS magazine program "Eye to Eye with Connie Chung." [119 pages] Not available on-line.
Marvel Cooke. (1903 - ) Ms. Cooke worked in the 1930s for the Amsterdam News and was part of the first effort by the Newspaper Guild to organize a black newspaper—an effort that led to an eleven-week strike. A longtime resident of Harlem, she has known Paul Robeson, Langston Hughes, W. E. B. DuBois and others. Through contacts made at the Newspaper Guild, Ms. Cooke became, at that time, the only black woman employed by a white daily, The Compass. [161 pages; VIDEO]
Ruth Cowan Nash. (1901 - 1991) Ms. Cowan's career started in 1928 on the San Antonio Evening News. After Cowan was fired by the United Press when a top boss learned that she was a woman, the Associated Press hired her for its Chicago bureau where she worked from 1929 to 1940. She followed
Beth Campbell as the only woman in the AP's Washington bureau from 1940 to 1956; from 1943 to 1945 she was a war correspondent covering Africa, Great Britain and Europe. [38 pages; VIDEO]
Belva Davis. (1932 - ) After beginning her career in radio, Ms. Davis later became the first black woman television reporter on the West Coast. Her first television job was at San Francisco's CBS affiliate KPIX-TV where she anchored various news shows for a decade. She hosted and was instrumental in creating one of the country's first prime-time public affairs programs about ethnic communities. Before coming to KRON-TV, Davis anchored the acclaimed nightly news on KQED-TV, the San Francisco PBS affiliate. Davis covered many of the major stories of the past decades, such as the Berkeley riots and Malcolm X, and has won numerous awards, including five local Emmys. At the time of her interviews, Davis was still with KRON-TV. [156 pages; VIDEO]
Jane Eads Bancroft. (1901 - 1991) Beginning as a proof reader in 1918 for the Quincy (IL) Whig Journal, Ms. Eads says that she ultimately "got the same kind of assignments as male reporters" — covering crime in Chicago for the Herald Examiner. Eads covered the birth of commercial air traffic as the first ever airline passenger. Later, she wrote a column for Hearst from Europe and worked for the Associated Press during World War II. [100 pages]
Mary Garber. (1916 - ) Ms. Garber began work as a society editor in 1940 at the Winston-Salem Journal (formerly Sentinel). She switched to the sports beat—her first love—in 1944. Garber has covered every sport and has earned the respect of her colleagues, her readers, and the athletes and coaches she covers. She had to struggle against sexual discrimination throughout her career in a male-dominated field. She has worked to overcome racial discrimination as well by giving sports in the black community coverage denied to it by most sportswriters in the South. At the time of her interviews, Garber continued to work a seven-day week as a sportswriter at the Journal. [129 pages; VIDEO]
Dorothy Gilliam. (1936 - ) While a freshman in college, Ms. Gilliam began working at the Louisville Defender. After earning a Masters degree from the Columbia University School of Journalism she was hired by the Washington Post as its first black woman journalist. Determined to cover stories not only about blacks and women, she realized some of the best stories were about welfare, which she could investigate more deeply because she was a black woman. She later served for seven years as an assistant editor in the "Style" section. She has worked with the Institute for Journalism Education to help minority journalists. In 1992 Gilliam had a fellowship at the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center in New York City where she explored the subject of minorities in the media. She has been a columnist for the Washington Post since 1979, the position she held at the time of her interviews. [135 pages; VIDEO]
Ellen Goodman. (1941 - ) Ms. Goodman began her career in 1963 in a trainee position at Newsweek in New York City. When her husband's career took them to Ann Arbor, MI, she worked as a reporter at the Detroit Free Press. After moving back to Boston in 1967, Goodman worked for the Boston Globe through her pregnancy, later balancing work and single parenthood. She had a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard in 1974 and published her first book, Turning Points, in 1979. A columnist since 1971—syndicated since 1975—she earned a Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary in 1980 and continued to write at the time of her interviews. [65 pages]
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