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Interview Session:
Adler, Renata 15
Arnold, Marty 24

Bigart, Homer 61
Bradley, Ed 53
Brinkley, David 22
Brown, Frances Wilson Layson [grandmother] 3, 34
Brown, Ike [mother's grandfather] 1
Brown, Rochell [grandfather] 1, 3

Caldwell, Earl 17
Chaney, Ben 27
Clark, Dr. Kenneth 16
Clark, Hilton 16
Columbia University 16
Cose, Ellis 26
Crystal, Les 39

Davis, Eddie "Porkchop" 16

Farmer, Jackie 46
Farrakhan, Louis 24
Frankel, Max 29
Frazier, Gerald 17, 22, 25, 30

Gault, Ronald [husband] 35
Gelb, Arthur 22-24, 29, 30, 37
Gilbert, Dorothy 14
Goldman, Jeff 44
Goodman, George 25
Gordimer, Nadine 40

Harwood, Richard 10
Hicks, Nancy 17, 22, 25, 30
Hiss, Tony 15
Hofeller, Leo 14
Holman, Carl 6
Holman, Vin 21
Holmes, Hamilton Earl "Hamp" 17
Hughes, Langston 16
Hunter, Alberta [grandmother] 5, 6, 20, 58, 59
Hunter, Althea Ruth Brown [mother] 1-3, 4, 6-8, 34, 55
Hunter, Charles "Shep" [grandfather] 2, 5
Hunter, Charles S. H., Jr. [father] 2-7, 18, 21, 34, 54
Hunter, Charles S. Henry [brother] 3, 6
Hunter, Franklyn [brother] 3, 6
Hunter, Theodore 19
Hunter-Gault, Ronald Charles Chuma [son] 4, 24, 33-37
Huntley, Chet 22
"Huntley-Brinkley" 22, 62

International Rescue Committee 50
Isaacs, Norman 8, 60

Johnson, Tom 17, 22, 23, 25
Jonas, Jerry 15

Kerner Commission 59, 61
King, Martin Luther 20, 21, 61
Koppel, Ted 55

LaRoux, Jan 53
Lehrer, Jim 39
Lelyveld, Joe 29
Levitas, Mike 28, 29
Lippmann, Walter 60, 61
Lelyveld, Joe 29
Louisville Courier-Journal 8
Louisville Courier-Journal and Times 60

MacNeil, Robert 39
"MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour" 38, 58
"MacNeil/Lehrer Report" 37
Malcolm X 16, 19, 24
Margolis, Irwin 21, 22, 61
McCarthy, Mary 13
McVeigh, Eugene 42, 47
Mengistu Haile-Mariam 43
Michaux, Louis 16
Mills, Kay 30
Mitchell, Joseph 13

NBC 21, 22, 61, 62
Nelson, Jill 24
New York Times 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29, 32, 37, 57, 58, 61-63, 17, 22, 25, 28, 33, 37, 52, 58, 61-63
New Yorker 11, 13-18, 20, 22, 29, 30, 34, 58, 60-62, 65
"News Four Probe" 21, 61

O'Connor, Rory 56

PBS [Public Broadcasting System] 53
Powell, Adam Clayton 16

Reston, James 29, 61
"Rights and Wrongs" 39, 56
Roberts, Gene 26, 27
Rosario, Benilda 32
Rosenthal, Abe 27, 29, 37, 57
Ross, Lillian 13
Rule, Sheila 23
Russell Sage fellowship 20, 21

Sawyer, Diane 53
Schanberg, Sydney 28, 29
Schecter, Danny 56
Schwartzkopf, Norman 55
Shanahan, Eileen 32
Shawn, William 10-14, 16, 28, 58, 59, 62
Siad Barre 41, 43, 47
"Sixty Minutes" 53
Smith, Jean 21
Stevens, Hoke 23
Stovall, Suesan [daughter] 4, 20, 33-37
Stovall, Walter 34
Suzman, Helen 40

"Talk of the Town" 14, 15, 59
Tambo, Oliver 40
Till, Emmett 7
Transaction magazine 61
Trillin, Calvin 13, 15, 17, 20, 65

University of Georgia 17, 18, 20, 61, 65

Van Witsen, Anthony 49
Vandermeer, Walker 29

Wade, Betsy 32
Walker, Alice 56
Washington University 61
Wilkins, Roger 25
Wilson, Ellen [mother's grandmother] 1
WRC-TV 21, 61

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