Pages 153-155
Washington Press Club Foundation

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Interview Session:
American Newspaper Guild 26, 27, 148
Ashlock, Louis 66
Associated Press (AP) 41, 51, 53-58, 62, 65, 68, 69, 75, 76, 78, 90, 92, 96-98, 101, 102, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121, 132, 136, 137, 139-142, 147, 148

Baker, Russell 126
Beebe, Katherine [namesake] 2, 5, 13
Behrens, Earl 105
Beyers, Bob 105
Bickel, Fredric March 18
Bleyer, Willard 19
Boyle, Hal 142
Bradley, Don 149
Bridges, Harry 64, 68, 69, 120, 143
Brooks, Bill 55
Broun, Heywood 82
Brown, Buford 29
Burby, Jack 103
Burglum, Gutzen 145

Cardinal, The [University of Wisconsin] 18
Champion, Hale 102, 103, 106, 107
Chicago Tribune 35, 60, 138
Cogswell, Elinor 28, 37, 65, 79, 99, 108, 110, 113, 129
Conant (Eschelman), Jane 122
Cooper, Kent 55, 74, 115
Cranston, Senator Alan 149
Crosby, Bing 144, 145

Danforth, Roy 34-37, 130
Davis, Puddler Jim 64
Deseret News 23
Dickson, Frances 61
Donnelly, Nellie 58
Dumke, Glenn 101, 102

Engle, Senator Clair 103, 149
Eschelman, Jane. See Conant, Jane.

Faber, Doris 115-117
Fast, Howard 69
Ferris, Roxanna 111
Field, Eugene 53
Fond du Lac Daily Commonwealth 25
Frederick, Pauline 125

Gallagher, Wes 89, 90, 98, 140, 147
Garnett, Ruby 39, 134
Gibbs, Philip 15
Glavinovich, Rose 35
Grover, Preston 91
Grumich, Charlie 41

Hahn, Mickey (Emily) 25
Harris, David W. Clancy 110, 111
Heppe, Ralph 65, 147, 148
Hickok, Lorena 56, 59, 63, 114-118, 120, 137
Hicks, Wilson 55, 124
Hinkle, Fritz 135
Hitchcock, Connie 73, 87
Hoover, Herbert 43
Hudson, Harvey 93
Hyde, Grant 19, 25

International News Service (INS) 55, 73, 102, 137

Johnson, Martin 19

Kansas City Journal 20, 128, 134
Kansas City Post 20
Kansas City Star 5, 19, 20, 26, 38-44, 46-51, 53, 118, 122, 134, 140, 146
Kansas City Times 48
Keavey, Hub 94
Kelly, Hubert 41
Kemper, W.T. "Bill" 134
Kendrick, Marion 55

Landsberg, Morrie 106
Larrimer, Danny 146
Leary, Mary Ellen 106, 150
Lévy, Jacques 142, 145
Levy, Leo 30, 37, 43, 121, 130
Lindbergh kidnapping 59, 137
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow 61, 139
Lindbergh, Charles 18, 59, 60, 62, 137, 138
Lindsay, Vina 125
Lippmann, Walter 125
Longan, George 20, 41
Lyman, Deke 138

Madison [Wisconsin] Capital Times 16
McBride, Mary Margaret 90
McCausland, Harriet 108, 109
McLucus, Walter 133
Mellon, Andrew 126
Mencken, Henry 43
Milliman, Leonard 98
Morin, Pat 141, 142
Moskowitz, Bella 136

National Press Club 122
Nelson, Lyle 101, 103, 105
Nelson, William Rockhill 38, 39, 47, 134, 135
New York News 38
New York Telegraph 54
New York Times 37, 79, 138
New York World Telegram 54, 55, 137, 146
New Yorker 15, 25, 146
Newspaper Guild 82, 96, 98, 118
Norton, Stanley "Pinky" 35-37, 133
Nusbaum, Mildred 10, 13, 14, 17, 29

Oakland Tribune 30, 32-35, 37, 38, 40, 46, 52, 60, 119, 122, 129, 132, 133

Parsons, Louella 66
Pinkham, Edwin G. 43, 51, 52, 64, 66, 71, 79, 95, 114, 115, 121, 125, 126, 140, 146
PM 34
Post, Emily 58
Press Club of San Francisco 122

Reston, Scotty 126
Roberts, Roy 42, 51, 122
Roderick, John 93
Roosevelt, Eleanor 56, 114, 116, 118
Rosenthal, Joe 74

Sacramento Bee 148
Salt Lake [City] Telegram 22, 151
Salt Lake Tribune 23
San Francisco Bulletin 30
San Francisco Call-Bulletin 68
San Francisco Chronicle 30, 32, 102, 105
San Francisco News 30, 106
Smith, Al 136
Smith, Everett 28-30, 129
SNS (News Service) 124
Stearn, Noel 21, 25
Stevenson, Adlai 99, 149
Street of Adventure (Philip Gibbs) 15

Time 54, 136
Tokyo Rose (Iva Toguri D'Aquino) 70, 84, 89, 143
Tufty, Esther Van Wagoner 18
Turnblad, Harold 94

United Press (UP) 55, 57, 139, 143
U.S. News & World Report 18

Van Wagoner, Esther. See Tufty, Esther Van Wagoner.

Walters, Barbara 152
Watson, Morris 64
Weinberger, Casper 101
White, William Allen 53
Wilbur, Ray Lyman 28
Williams, Mabel 31, 129
Winchell, Walter 85, 87, 144
Wisconsin State Journal 16
Wrenn, Bill 29

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